Law Office of Jacob H. Dressler

Law Office of Jacob H. Dressler

The Law Office of Jacob H. Dressler is licensed to file bankruptcy in the Federal Bankruptcy Courts in the States of Connecticut and Massachusetts. If you need to file a petition in a different State we can help you find an attorney who can file in whatever State you live. An attorney can meet you at an office in a location that is convenient for you.

Please contact [email protected] or click below to hyperlink to our email or telephone number in order to set up an appointment. We look forward to hearing from you.

Most individuals file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy, which completely eliminates all credit card debt, medical debt, hospital debt, and other unsecured debt, while allowing you to keep certain assets, like the home where you reside. We can explain to you whether or not you qualify to file a Chapter 7. A chapter 13 bankruptcy is mostly filed by individuals who are behind in their mortgage payments. A chapter 13 allows you to catch up on your mortgage payments over a five year period and still keep your house.